The ABC Global Alliance is a multi-stakeholder platform for all those interested in collaborating on common projects relating to advanced breast cancer (ABC) around the world. We are made up of people and organisations who are committed to develop, promote and support tangible improvements that will ultimately create awareness and actions that will improve and extend the lives of patients living with ABC worldwide.
Any individual or legal entity that expresses an intention to join the Alliance, by subscribing to a membership request, and who is admitted by the Association under the terms of the statutes and in accordance with the other admission conditions established by the Board of Directors, may acquire the status of Associate.
Associates may be classified as:
Legal entities that intend to contribute to the achievement of the Alliance's aims and that apply for membership and are approved by the Board of Directors
Individuals or legal entities that, wishing to collaborate with the purposes of the Association, submit an application for membership of this category of Associates to the approval of the Board of Directors
For more information on associates rights and duties, and for more information on the association governance please review the
Any individual or legal entity that expresses an intention to join the Association, should complete the
membership request and once admitted by the Association in accordance with the admission conditions established by the Board of Directors, will acquire the status of Associate. If you are interested in getting more information on the ABC Global Alliance and how to become a member please contact