
We are advanced breast cancer

Advanced breast cancer knows no boundaries, affecting individuals from diverse backgrounds, all over the world. At ABC Global Alliance, we celebrate the richness of diversity, fostering an inclusive environment where people from different countries and backgrounds can come together, collaborate, and share knowledge and resources to improve the lives of ABC patients worldwide.

Awareness Campaigns

The other victims of advanced breast cancer

Inspired by not one but too many true stories.

When people are not treated for advanced breast cancer, there are always other victims. Find out what you can do to help everyone get the treatment they deserve.


What’s it like to live with advanced breast cancer?

Watch as real women with advanced breast cancer (ABC) tell their stories and shed light on the current gaps in ABC care. If you are interested in collaborating to add subtitles in your language, please contact info@abcglobalalliance.org

the truth about working with abc

Work can be an integral part of peoples’ wellbeing. For some it’s a passion, while for others it’s simply a way to earn money – but when it comes to advanced breast cancer, everything surrounding work can change. Our Wall of Stories gives people a chance to share the truth about working with advanced breast cancer. Click here for more information.

* The Invisible Woman 2020 survey of 98 women with advanced breast cancer across 8 EU countries.

ABC Global Charter

Ten goals to drive global Improvements in ABC care

The ABC Global Charter aims to drive change in the care of patients with ABC, tailoring actions to make them relevant and feasible for different geographies and capacities. The Actions for Change aim to achieve near and longer-term goals, to give patients a voice, bring patient needs to the fore for driving decision-making and ultimately improve and extend their lives.

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10 actions for change

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EVENTS & Webinars

We host a number of in-person and virtual events and webinars every year, including the biennial ABC Conference.

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Advanced breast cancer

25% of all cancers in women are breast cancer
25% of all cancers diagnosed in women are breast cancer
80% of breast cancers in developing countries are diagnosed at the metastatic stage
80% of breast cancers in developing countries are diagnosed at the metastatic stage
20-30% of early breast cancer cases will relapse even with the best possible treatments
20-30% of early breast cancer cases will relapse even with the best possible treatments
2-3 years median survival for patients with ABC, and this has not changed significantly in decades
2-3 years: the median survival for patients with ABC, and this has not changed significantly in decades
 Dr Fatima Cardoso, Chair of the ABC Global Alliance

“Our goal is to improve and extend the lives of patients living with advanced breast cancer”

– Dr Fatima Cardoso, President of the ABC Global Alliance

Projects & initiatives

We have developed and collaborated on many initiatives and projects that relate to the 10 goals for change highlighted in the ABC Global Charter.

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Honestly Spoken

The ABC Global Alliance is partnering with Sanofi to raise awareness of the burden and unmet needs of people living with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) through powerful storytelling, tangible advice and real-world examples.

Hard-to-Reach ABC/MBC Communities Toolkit

To address the critical unmet need in access to care for hard-to-reach populations with advanced/ metastatic breast cancer (ABC/MBC), the ABC Global Alliance and Pfizer have collaborated to develop a toolkit of relevant, community-based initiatives and best practice summary documents that aims to drive collaboration across the global ABC/MBC community.

ABC Guidelines

The ABC guidelines are based on the most up-to-date evidence and can be used and adapted to guide treatment decisions in many different healthcare settings globally. They are updated at each biennial Advanced Breast Cancer ESO-ESMO International Consensus Conference.

Work and ABC

Work can be an integral part of peoples’ wellbeing. For some it’s a passion, while for others it’s simply a way to earn money – but when it comes to advanced breast cancer, everything surrounding work can change. Our Wall of Stories gives people a chance to share the truth about working with advanced breast cancer.
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