ASCO 2025

30 May - 3 June 2025, Chicago, IL, USA
Apply for the travel grant by 28 March 2025 providing the following documents to

-  Short curriculum vitae
-  Letter describing the motivation for attending
-  Application form

Download application form

Please note that priority will be given to applicants with a poster, abstract presentation, or oral presentation accepted for the event on breast cancer topics, ideally focusing on Advanced Breast Cancer.

Travel grants are made available for ABC Global Alliance members. Recipients will receive a set amount to contribute to their travel and accommodation expenses. ABC Global Alliance is not responsible for the event registration, VISA or the travel arrangements.

The following amounts will be refunded by bank transfer after the event:
(Members from Europe, please select the category from Europe)

Member Category
TG amount offered
Physician/Scientist Member
1840 €
Europe and other regions
2690 €
Developing countries
2500 €
Early Career or Emeritus Member
1430 €
Europe and other regions
2280 €
Developing countries
2580 €
In-Training Member
1185 €
Europe and other regions
2035 €
Developing countries
2335 €
Affiliated Health Professional Member
1430 €
Europe and other regions
2280 €
Developing countries
2580 €
Patient Advocate Member
1165 €
Europe and other regions
2015 €
Developing countries
2315 €
The outcome of the application will be notified by 10 April 2025.
More information about the event:
Accessibility ToolsRecite Me accessibility and Language Support